J3K most right-wingiest post of all!
The Rolling Stones have just released a single that never made it to their septa-energetic "We've fuck-all in our bank accounts" called "My Sweet NeoCon", not to be confused with the George Harrison classic "I will slit your bloody bullocks you wife stealing fuck-nut Eric Clapton"
At first this was laughable; the Stones, who used to write rock songs but have become a complete novelty of them selves have jumped Hollywood's "We were only kidding about moving to Canada, we're staying here to pick apart the Republican side of the Government. This; despite the fact the majority of Democratic senators supported a war against Iraq, despite the fact Clinton had the longest aerial bombardment of any country (Balkans War) since Vietnam with tremendous civilian casualties who had been fighting against an enemy (Islam) that were burning down churches and peoples homes, but we were making them out to be the poor victims, this of course because Islam is a religion of peace (or pieces which is what you have after a suicide bombing) and where Wesley Clarke tried to mine the Sarajevo airport to blow apart and Russian aid flight from landing, and of course were we blew the fuck out of the Chinese embassy killing 14 Chinese citizens. Memory doesn't always serve but I recall a sustained an attack Iraq twice, once right after he came on Monica's dress, ordered the assault on the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco (So our foreign policy is bad? I'm glad there was no backlash for that one, especially in the Daycare center of the Murrow building.) sold guidance systems to the Chinese that are now installed on their pre-pointed and always "fueled for launch" nuclear weapons systems at our cities and gave monetary aid to North Korea as a reward for not starting their nuclear program (which they did under Clintons term of office). Lets also forget about when Clinton signs PDD 23 and limits US involvement in Rwanda and within two months half a million Rwandans have been killed, lets also forget the WTC was attacked first under Bill watch (only 6 dead, no big deal right?), and the two embassy bombings in Africa (Nairobi & Tanzania, only 250 people) to which we responded with 36 cruise missiles sent to an abandoned Al'Qaeda training camp and some of which hit a pharmacy warehouse in Kenya. I won't get into Mogadishu or the Cole, or the free trade act which Clinton had put into action allowing him to trade or sell military hardware or any form of technology to any country; friend or foe by bypassing any need for Congressional approval.
Anyway, yea, the Stones man! The GOP fucked us like David Bowie in Mick's billiards room, but you were here to set it straight! Stick it to GW, you guys rock! Play Freebird!
Is this to say the GOP are the Ghandi's of Western Civ? Are you fucking smoking crack out of Rush Limbaughs testicles? No, but we have gone from looking at the entire system (i.e. "Street Fighting Man") to yelling at George and Convelezza (i.e. "Brown Sugar") my rant was going to be something about the Stones should have done the right thing and pulled a SoundGarden sometime before Mick threw on that lime green zuit suit from "The Mask" and sang "Dancin' in the Street" for Live Aid vs. MechaLiveAid, but no, they went from being one of Rocks most important bands to being almost as good as "NickleBack"
When did rock decided to throw all it's eggs at one person? Rock should be throwing them at everyone? What happened to you Rock and Roll? You used to be cool, now you're a bunch of old codgers who do what you're told. How fucking sad is that? Rock music comfortable in front of the fire reading the Sunday times and nodding at the op ed articles.
Rock and Roll is what I live for, and the Stones should be ashamed of themselves for conforming to make a dollar. They now suck and have ass fucked Rock and Roll for the last time in my book. If I ever do see Mick or Keith crossing 3rd ave I will fling my MP3 burn of "Exile on Main St." at their fucking heads (ala Odd Job) to remind them of what was, and that they now are shit.
Fuck them.
there I have said it.
The Peoples Poet
At 9:16 AM,
Marie Drucker said…
But, sweetheart, Mick says it's not about President Bush. Shouldn't we believe him?
At 10:05 AM,
tom said…
Truth be told, my hackles were raised when I read this news. The Rolling Stones have represented a lot of things to me in this lifetime but never as astute political commetators. 60's rebellion shrouded in obtuse mythos? Yes! Praises sung of dark beauties being whipped at midnight? Yes! Scraping shit off your shoes? Absolutely!
The Stones are the soundtrack to bong hits off a big decrepid coffee table in an old faded apartment, in a time where responsibility was an afterthought. Keith's open-G riffs are the score to many a night in seedy bars with seedier women, and never regretting a minute of it.
The mere mention of something clearly defined such as Neo-con makes my skin crawl, whether or not I do agree with them (which Jimmy 3K, Conservative Apologist, obviously does not) and casts a finer-tuned light on these craggy relics, revealing the fact they they are more absurd than previously suspected. Their last great record was in 1977. Yes, fuck the Rolling Stones.
At 10:26 AM,
Marie Drucker said…
dark beauties being whipped at midnight? seedy bars with seedier women?
what descriptive text. you two -- I'll include our right-wing friend -- are poets.
but they're all too old to fuck. i'm surprised viagra or cialis isn't sponsoring their latest tour
At 10:51 AM,
tom said…
yeah... their days of shagging 10 birds a day are far behind.
I hope.
Now myself, on the other hand... so virile that Viagra works like Paxil on me. You dig?
At 11:03 AM,
Marie Drucker said…
Dig? I think so. But in that case, you probably shouldn't take it, tommy-dear. How'd you get some to try? Was it your wife's idea??
At 1:44 PM,
Moo R. Squiddles said…
Too old to fuck? Maybe those guys. After all that drinkin and druggin, I'm sure that's what's doing them in.
At 2:14 PM,
jimmy3000 said…
Too old? I don't think Richards is even alive anymore. Last I heard he was a Necromoton who fed on human brains and Old Bushmills*. What pains me is; no question; possibly one of the top 5 most important bands in Rock history have squandered away into a pointless endeavor to grease there bristles and fill their snouts (Apologies to G.B. Shaw)
* Remember kids: J3K sez: "Don't drink that crap, it's Protestant whiskey!, have yourself a re-fresshin' Mickey's Big Mouth in the easy-slug(TM) bottle. Made from the finest hop, barley and boat-chum available in these here United States, and when the commies show up at your school to re-write your her story books give 'em a Glasgow smile with the jagged edge of that thing and tell 'em Jimmy 3000 sent ya.
At 3:47 PM,
Marie Drucker said…
Peace, Jim. Your views and pain are very much appreciated. But we should be more concerned about Tommy.
Mixing paxil and viagra? he may be having some of those four-day erections the commericals promise--I mean, warn about.
At 5:27 PM,
tom said…
In order to counteract the paxil/viagra mix, I consume copious amounts of Jameson's (not the Protestant stuff), creating a state of flux that best not be discussed in the company of broads.
The truth is that I have never tried either of the aforementioned meds. I am happily addicted to Pez and diet Dr. Pepper.
My earlier assertion that the Stones now suck still stands. My suspicions of Jimmy belonging to the John Birch Society have not been allayed. I will retreat agian to the background until my next long-awaited post.
At 8:58 PM,
jimmy3000 said…
Jamisons is what the good lord would ask for if he was out lads for a 'nite of No-Goddin. The Pope John Paul Twice used to mash it in with his cabbage perogies.
At 1:56 PM,
Moo R. Squiddles said…
I stay away from that whiskey stuff. That crap got me in trouble deep already. That stuff is MY Viagra. Hell, I need Un-Viagra. Nigh-Agra. Having a permanent erection is no fun, kids.
At 3:48 PM,
Marie Drucker said…
Uncle Jimmy, tell Tommy I am not a broad.
Moo, don't make promises you can't keep.
At 4:32 PM,
Moo R. Squiddles said…
WWell, I guess the next lady-freind will vouch for me. But, she might be a little pre-occupied at first...
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