existential dread, subjective media and news reviews and opinionated but not necessarily well-informed commentary.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

"I'll take a McJesus on unleavened rye please."

or "Leonardo Divinci must die! (again!)!"
by Jimmy3K

I don't know who I distrust more these days, the absurdly religious right or the vehemently atheist left; they're both trying to homogenize America, and I don't like Jim's America homogenized.

As for the controversial DiVinci Code, it failed to do what it was supposed to do, start a controversy over a presumed basis of nothing and stir up little pockets of non-secular nuts so intellectuals could point their fingers and say "Look! Look! Everyone south of my finger is a religious nut!"

It bothers me the zeitgeist du’jour has become "I’m right and you’re a goddamn freak.!" It drove some of my acquaintances mad that the book did not generate half the shit storm they were expecting. I love it when instigation fails miserably and people are standing around half bemused like Rik Mayall shouting “What has become of the “Peoples Poet”?” when no one is listening, and shame on any idiot that did come out and raise a fuss. It’s fiction, you know what fiction is? It’s Ricardo Montaban’s chest in “Wrath of Kahn”

Compound this fact that I have read everything I ever could about DiVinci since I was nine years old; he was brilliant (he was beyond that), he was for lack of a better description “Gayer than a Maypole decorated by Harvey Firestone and Liberace”, he believed in God but was not all whacky about it, he was a vegetarian (like Hitler) but he was no conspiracy nut; that and the Mona Lisa was the daughter of a well known patron of Venice, she was no prize to look at and wooden frames were expensive and models were hard to keep still for over a month (unless they starved to death and then had to paint quickly before the weasels came.) so l will read the book as a work of fiction like Jonathan Harris’ disturbingly smarmy portrayal of the pedophile leaning Dr. Smith or when Democrats attempt to tell me the Republican party of the Lincoln era was more like the Democratic party today: (Craka’ please.)

Historically the Church did not burn or torture the majority of people that were castigated (people were killed, but we have “Hollywooded” up the knumbers Not even fucking close to the numbers of any religious ethnic group that were exterminated by Communist Asia in the 20th century.) as we hoped, but books written in the last 80 years describing the scenes will now pass as “historical” by the same measure the Church in Italy was very practical in the idea of a sun-centered universe, Pope Paul III believed there was nothing in the bible to defend that the Earth was the epicenter of all things and welcomed the ideas of Copernicus (a monk and dumb Polak, who was never ex-communicated or tortured for heresy.)

Why is it we can not tolerate any reference to God in school, but it’s “Right Wing America’s God” that can’t be tolerated. We can teach kids about witches and totem poles and Eastern belief systems and Middle Earf, we can even justify teaching the Koran in school but the God of our ancestry and of the founders of our country as either a concept or embodiment will not be mentioned, “Separation of Church and State” right? Well; it’s in the constitution, which by the way mentions God several times before it gets out of the first paragraph, so is the Constitution anti-Constitutional?

Perhaps schools should entertain the idea of not teaching about any cultures; after all, most of them deal with some idea of creation mythology or bad and good that exist in some kind of world that requires a belief system as it has something we call “an effect” and we can’t have effect, because we cant see it, we can only see the result. (I have a problem with the proposed idea of gravity from Newton as well, it appears that if you apply his theory to a chair, your lifting something like 65 quadrillion tons of chair without ass in it, but we skip that part, just like we skip the last years of Sir Isaac’s life when he wrote thousands of papers on scientific observation that reads disturbingly like mysticism.) We has done gone from “their” theology was nonsense; to “our” theology is nonsense but theirs now has significant cultural importance, bullshit; accept them both of call them both lies but don’t deny it because it disfavors your sense of sensibilities.

Lets face it; I’m not telling anyone what they need to believe, I’m not sure if everyone or anyone has a soul, I’m not sure if anyone deserves one if you can develop one in the course of a concious lifetime by deeds and actions, but the idea of diversity is being shut down at every corner. We need mythology; Carl Jung was a big proponent of the idea, (and so is Jim) we need Big Foot in the UFO, in the grassy knoll and the forbidden list of ingredients for Coca Cola that he got from Jim Morrison who lives in Botswana now under the name Vinny Popoloudis jr. but our mythology has turned to actual things, like people who think differently and how much a "threat" they have become to our freedom. It’s not about freedom; freedom is a mental state not a real one, freedom is about choices and thoughts, this is about liberty. Take away one persons liberty and you fuck us all. Right, Left, whatever. I know we are just monkeys with nuclear weapons, but we are turning into real assholes.


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