existential dread, subjective media and news reviews and opinionated but not necessarily well-informed commentary.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I have taken a needed break from thinking for a while but have decided to return to blog posting. I just become lazy because it is real exercise for me to write anything that I would think anyone would want to read. I liken the work involved with returning to the gym after a lazy break, something I do every two months once I start losing weight and building any muscle tone. Winter always turns me into a flabby bastard and I have been enduring a month-long chronic cold and cough, relieved only by copious amounts of Codeine cough syrup which tends to kill any creative urge that I may have had otherwise.
Please bear with me as I work my way back into the absurdity and ridiculous subject matter that I aspire to comment on. I also would like to return to the original scope of the blog, music, movie and entertainment musings... The constant fart jokes tend to dilute the focus but do not depend on that to cease any time soon. As long as I think that farts are funny, this place will be a juvenile repository of sophomoric attempts at humor regarding aforementioned topic.


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