existential dread, subjective media and news reviews and opinionated but not necessarily well-informed commentary.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

McDonald's Puts Patent on Sandwiches
It will be readily apparent to anyone familiar with the "entity system" that McDonald's patent application is a rip off of the entity system fast food assembly concept:

McDonald’s wants to own the rights to how a sandwich is made.

The fast-food chain has applied for a patent relating to the ‘method and apparatus’ used to prepare the snack.

The burger company says owning the ‘intellectual property rights’ would help its hot deli sandwiches look and taste the same at all of its restaurants.

It also wants to cut down on the time needed to put together a sandwich, thought to have been dreamt up by the Earl of Sandwich in 1762.

The 55-page patent, which has been filed in the US and Europe, covers the ’simultaneous toasting of a bread component’.

Garnishes of lettuce, onions and tomatoes, as well as salt, pepper and ketchup, are inserted into a cavity in a ’sandwich delivery tool’.

The ‘bread component’ is placed over the cavity and the assembly tool is inverted to tip out the contents. Finally, the filling is placed in the ‘bread component’.

It explains: ‘Often the sandwich filling is the source of the name of the sandwich; for example, ham sandwich.’

Lawrence Smith-Higgins, of the UK Patent Office, said: ‘McDonald’s or anyone else cannot get retrospective exclusive rights to making a sandwich.

‘They might have a novel device, but it could be quite easy for someone to make a sandwich in a similar way without infringing their claims.’

McDonald’s said: ‘These applications are not intended to prevent anyone from using previous methods for making sandwiches.’

So, from that last sentence, it appears that McDonalds does at least recognize 'prior art'. One thing they neglect to provide details on is the final delivery aspect; the chute the sandwich ought to come down to deliver it to the customer's tray.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

I just finished reading “Sphere” (12,000 assholes have reviewed this book and they are all a bunch of dick gargling fools.) by Michael Crichton once again. For those of you who have not read it, you are all bastards. "Sphere" by Crichton should not be confused with "Sphere" by a bunch of Hollywood assholes who should be swallowed up by an angry She-Earth.

I have my own theory about what’s going on at the end of that book as well, Crichton eludes to it in the book, but the movie, which was ass with two capital s’s for shit did not touch on it, in fact the movie was so bad the actors should have been imprisoned. In fact Crichton was one of the producers of the film, that now that I think of it was so bad, I have to say: It actually damages the integrity of the book. I was going to add points for Crichton growing up in the same town I worked in from every thing from a bus-boy, to arch bus-boy, but knowing this now has completely fucked my whole write-up.

I was going to mention the squid, the book has squid. First off: the whole cast was wrong, Sharon Stone who I adore as a complete hypocrite, should not have been Beth, Sigourney Weaver 20 years ago would have been perfect and Samuel L. Jackson as Harry? Man, I love Odell Frozone Windu Wendell, I do, but Harry is in his 20’s and paranoid, Jackson plays some mean mother fuckers, but paranoid? Finally Dustin Hoffman, bad choice period; the guy does two things well, Rizzo and Simpson’s voices, he should have never played Norman, no fucking way. Oh yea, the squid: Crichton does this whole send up on the squid, sort of a homage to Jules Verne, pages of this leviathan 30 foot squid just fucking everyone up (this is who Jackson should have played!) so what does the film do? A blip on the fucking radar. They could have fired Leiv (no relation to the squid) Schreiber and Queen Latifah from this film (also Huey Lewis was in this human toilet of a feature) and hired a guy in a squid suit if they were pressed for a CGI budget. They could have had James Mason in a squid suit and Dr. Martins boots kicking Hoffman in the nuts and it would been better than a blip, they could have used a Muppet squid that sing “Who are the people in your bathysphere?” and it would have been better than a blip.

A fucking blip? What the fuck were they thinking?

Read the book, burn the film. I am now reading Bobby Fischer teaches chess, and my computer has schooled me 10 for 10. Aw, screw it, I’m dressing up in a squid costume and cowboy hat and prostituting myself in theater bathrooms.

See you at the movies.

John Hodgeman is the "PC Guy" from the mac commercials, who Apple admits when you see them you want to kill Mac Guy, because PC Guy is hilarious. Is he hilarious? Is the Space Pope reptillian?

Turns out this guy is out of his mind in a natural state and has a strange obsession with hobos.
my favorite is No-Shoulders Smalltooth Jones
but don't take my word for it, get your hobo on!